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Powerful Women Need to be on Instagram
I am a self-confessed Insta-holic. I love Instagram. My Facebook news feed can get cluttered with a lot of rubbish; my Twitter feed is filled with extremists on both sides of politics and a lot of links to articles which I don’t have time to read and just make me want to cry about how I wish I did have more time to read. So I end up, like many millennials, spending a lot of my time on Instagram. In Australia, Instagram was the second most popular social networking site for 2018 with 46% of social media users on Instagram (a 15 point increase from 31% last year).
Last week, I was doing some research on Walmart’s corporate structure for my most recent article on Democratic Capitalism. I came across a woman by the name of Carla A. Harris — and I fell in love.
Ms Harris’ accomplishments list goes on and on and on. Not only is she an renowned businesswoman but she is an author and a top-selling singer. I was so excited to read her story.
My next move was to do what I always do — look her up on Instagram. But there was no Instagram account. And this isn’t the first time this has happened.
A number of women I look up to and admire have very little to no Instagram presence. The list includes businesswomen Lynelle Cameron, Kesha Cash, Elaine Dinos, Amy Domini, Audette Exel, Donna Morton and Nidhi Raina.*