How Can You Encourage Your Employer to Engage in Sustainability?
There are so many reasons for a business to engage in sustainability practices. Sometimes the people at the top cannot always see these reasons.
If you are passionate about sustainability, this does not mean that you are unable to do anything to create purpose in the business for which you work. It merely means you must come up with a plan of action!
1. Come up with a list of ways the business is already involved with sustainability
Many businesses are already working towards sustainability in one way or another — some of them just don’t realise it! It’s important to establish a starting point.
2. Think about why these points of action in which the business is already participating could be a good selling point for customers
At Strategic Sustainability Consultants, we recognise that a business’ main objective is to make money, which is vital for the business’ own sustainability. That means it is important to capitalise on opportunities wherever possible. If the business is already engaged in sustainability, how could you promote this to attract more customers or more business from your existing customers?
3. Talk about the financial incentives for engaging in new sustainability practices
This will require some financial modelling, but it is a valuable step in the process. Could the business lower costs in the long-term by switching to solar energy or to recycled water?
4. Think about the other benefits which come from engaging in new sustainability practices
While profit is important, there are so many other benefits when it comes to sustainability. While facts and figures go a long way, it is important to remember that everybody is human, and most people care about the future for their children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews or any other offspring of family and friends. Sustainability isn’t just about doing good business; it’s about doing good.
5. Collect and collate
I often ask businesses about their sustainability practices when I am (technically) not working. If a business does not engage in sustainability practices, I will often provide feedback on the matter. If someone asks you about the sustainability practices at the business where you work, there is nothing wrong with suggesting they provide written feedback to the business. Make a note of the instances where customers do ask about sustainability and use case studies and other facts and figures to back up your notes.
6. Start showing initiative!
The best way to lead is by example. If you work in an office where there is no recycling bin, pop into your local stationery store and pick one up (they’re incredibly cheap) and start showing your colleagues how easy it is to recycle. Maybe instead of picking up coffee from the closest store, you leave your house an extra three minutes early to go to the store which sells fair trade coffee before you get to work. And don’t forget about your reusable coffee mug!
If you need further advice in encouraging the people at the top of your organisation to engage in sustainability practices, contact us today! If you win them over, you can let them know that the team at Strategic Sustainability Consultants is always willing to answer questions about business engagement in sustainability!
This article was originally published on the Strategic Sustainability Consultants website.