How are Millennials Having an Impact on Agriculture?

Caterina Sullivan
2 min readOct 16, 2018


As the millennial population continues to grow, the viewpoints of this generation are having more and more of a profound effect on how businesses operate.

In a previous article, I discussed the influence millennials have on corporate culture. In a seperate article, I looked at the importance of sustainability in agri-business. Today, we are exploring the relationship between millennials and the agricultural industry.

I enjoy my weekend visits to the farmers markets in Canberra. I get better quality produce, often at a lower price. Over time, I have noticed that the average age of the stallholders is lowering. The average age of the consumers is also falling. This is because millennials are becoming more and more conscious about the products they purchase and what they are using to fuel their bodies.

With the rise of so called ‘slacktivism’ (or social media activism), many millennials have begun to realise that they have power over corporates through their purchasing decisions. This ‘boycotting’ mentality has led to a number of millennials deciding to grow food for themselves or purchase it from other like-minded people.

Millennials are looking to see their food sourced ethically, not through any means of slave labour (which unfortunately exists in Australia’s agricultural industry), planted sustainably, using practices such as recycling and composting, grown organically, not with pesticides and harmful chemicals, and used responsibly, not thrown out because the fruit or vegetable in question does not look perfect.

The number of young restaurant and cafe owners is also on the rise, meaning that a number of businesses are looking to source their fresh produce from economically, socially and environmentally sustainable farmers also, creating a shift in the entire industry.

A number of larger organisations have started to align their practices in accordance with this changing trend in order to sustain themselves economically and not be left behind in the green revolution.

If you are a farmer or a cafe / restaurant looking to shift towards a more sustainable future, contact us today to get started on your journey!

This article was originally published on the Strategic Sustainability Consultants website.



Caterina Sullivan
Caterina Sullivan

Written by Caterina Sullivan

Chief Executive | Business Founder | Change Agent | Inspirational Leader | High Achiever | Role Model | Award-Winner

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